In The Arena with Youth180 CEO, Keri Stitt

The hardest part is always getting started.

When I was asked to start writing a blog, I didn’t know where to even start. What would I call it? (I mean, all the good blogs have creative names.) What would I even write about? Who would read it? What would they think?

One of my favorite speeches has always been from President Teddy Roosevelt’s “The Man in the Arena”. As I kept ruminating over this blog, I kept hearing his words, “the credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood…” So, I had the name of my blog but just needed to start somewhere.

This is so true for so many young people and their families right now. This pandemic has ushered us out of the arena and into isolation. A pandemic and all its’ aftereffects are something most of us have never experienced before. The crippling depression, isolation, and anxiety has left many wondering where to start.

Re-entering the arena is always the scariest because of the fear of the unknown of what will happen once you’re back in there. Who will you see? Can you even do it? What will it feel like being back? Amid all the questions, Youth180 stands committed and ready to enter the arena with you. We have been in the arena since 1984, providing substance misuse treatment and prevention services while making high quality, affordable counseling available. In the wake of the pandemic, a national state of emergency has been declared for adolescent mental health and we have answered the call by:

  • Serving 3,248 children and parents through evidence-based prevention curriculum;

  • Providing 347 hours of counseling, where 63% of youth have shown reduced symptoms of anxiety and depression;

  • Assisting youth in their treatment goals, where 57% of teens in our treatment programs have shared that they’ve reduced or quit using substances.

For “in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails at least fails while daring greatly”.

You just have to start.

With you,

