Our Clinical Services provide an evidence-based, integrative approach to trauma-centered counseling and outpatient substance use treatment for youth (ages 13-17) and their families.

We offer some telehealth options but do require in-person drug testing to start outpatient substance use treatment at our North Oak Cliff Center.

Because we recognize that every individual and family struggle is different, our program is specialized to fit the needs and strengths of all by providing the foundation for processing and healing from trauma. In a study of mental health interventions for youth, the gradual development of a strong, therapeutic relationship with a primary care provider was crucial for decreasing symptoms of depressions, behavioral issues and substance abuse, as well as increasing self-esteem.

Our clinical staff is made up of an interdisciplinary, trauma-responsive team of Licensed Clinical Social Workers, Licensed Professional Counselors and Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselors who are trained in various therapy modalities including the two approved World Health Organization treatments for trauma: Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR), as well as Family Therapy. 

Our trauma-focused Clinical Services provide:

  • Individual counseling for clients and their families needing one-on-one care for substance use, behavioral issues, family conflict, truancy, anxiety and depression. 

  • Group and supportive counseling for those who must address their substance dependency before tackling trauma 

  • Family counseling, parent support groups and parent counseling.

What Are the Benefits of Youth Mental Health Services

Youth prevention programs empower young people, families, and communities by creating and reinforcing conditions that promote healthy behaviors.

Children diagnosed and treated are more likely to succeed at home and in the community.

These services are based upon the child’s strengths, needs and preferences. The benefits include:

  • Reduction of mental health symptoms

  • Development of new communication skills

  • Development of new ways to manage emotions

  • Development of new ways to relax and create

  • Improved social functioning at home and the community

Youth180 follows the HHSC guidelines regarding the established priority populations for treatment in accordance with SAPT Block Grant regulations and state designation.  Youth180 gives priority for admission to the following populations:

a) pregnant injecting drug users;

b) pregnant substance abusers; and

c) injecting drug users

National statistics show that 1 out of 4 children will have a mental illness during childhood.


Monday through Thursday
9am - 7:30pm

9am - 2pm